Sunday, May 13, 2012

Kembara Foto ke China : Siri 1 - Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan

Alhamdulillah, pada 20 Apr 2012, kawan bersama 4 orang sahabat telah berlepas ke Chengdu, China dari LCCT. Penerbangan dgn Air Asia X mengambil masa lebih kurang 4 jam setengah. Rasanya hanya kami 5 orang Melayu di dalam penerbangan tersebut.

Kami bermalam di Lapangan Terbang Chengdu, tidur bergilir-gilir kerana perlu ada orang yg berjaga utk memastikan keselamatan barang-barang kami, khususnya beg-beg kamera. Lebih kurang pukul 4 pagi kami gerak dgn sebuah van "sapu" ke terminal bas ekspress utk ke Jiuzhaigou. Kami solat subuh dan menunggu terminal dibuka pd jam 7.00 pagi.

Alhamdulillah ada tiket utk ke Jiuzhaigou. Tiket berharga 178 yuan, lebih kurang RM 89.00. Bas kami dijadualkan bertolak pada jam 9.00 pagi. Sunrise pagi itu begitu indah sekali. Mentarinya membulat kuning bersinar. Kami shot sunrise dan selepas itu sarapan pagi dgn bekalan roti yg kami bawa dari tanahair. Selesai sarapan kami mencari kad sim. Masalah utama kami ialah BAHASA, tidak ramai orang China yg boleh berbahasa Inggeris. Setelah bertanya di beberapa kedai, kami gagal mendapatkan kad sim. Akhirnya, kawan bertanya di kaunter informasi pelancung. Alhamdulillah, pegawai tersebut boleh memahami bahasa Inggeris walaupun beliau tidak mahir bertutur. Beliau membawa kami berjumpa dgn pegawai atasan di Pejabat Pelancungan yg terletak di dalam bangunan Terminal Bas Cha dianzi itu. Alhamdulillah, kami menerima kad sim "China Mobile" percuma dari pegawai atasan tersebut. Kami hanya perlu menyerahkan passport antarabangsa kepada beliau utk tujuan pendaftaran. Katanya "China Mobile" memang ada menyediakan kad sim percuma utk pelancung dari luar negara. Kad sim tersebut telah ada nilai sebanyak 20 yuan dan kami boleh menghubungi keluarga serta boleh mengakses internet.

Tepat jam 9.00 pagi, bas ekspress kami bertolak ke Jiuzhaigou. Perjalanan selama 10 jam. Memang jauh perjalanan menyusuri sungai dan gunung-ganang tetapi pemandangannya begitu indah sekali. 10 jam tidak terasa. Sampai di bandar Huanglong, pemandangan bertambah indah dgn gunung-ganang bersalji. Terasa seperti di Eropah. Sepanjang perjalanan kami mengambil foto dan video.

Lebih kurang hampir jam 7.00 petang kami sampai di Jiuzhaigou. Sudah ada wakil atau agen dari hotel berhampiran yg menunggu kami. Hotelnya dihiasi dgn seni binaan Tibet, selesa dan murah. Semalam hanya 150 yuan (RM75.00). Petang itu kami berjalan-jalan sekitar pekan kecil Jiuzhaigou sambil mencari kalau-kalau ada restoran Muslim di sana, malangnya tidak ketemu. Ada banyak hotel dan guest house di sekitar pekan kecil ini, rasanya bangunan hotel lebih banyak dari kedai.

Malam itu selepas isyak, Badins dan Hj Muhammad telah menemui Restoran Muslim yg terletak tidak berapa jauh dari hotel kami. Satu-satunya Restoran Muslim di pekan itu. Pemiliknya bernama Azman. Kami makan malam di situ.

Keesokan paginya kami ke Jiuzhaigou National Park yg telah diwartakan sebagai Tapak Warisan Dunia oleh UNESCO. Tiket masuknya berharga 220 yuan dan tiket bas di dalam taman negara itu ialah 90 yuan, semuanya 310 yuan (RM 155.00). Walaupun tiketnya mahal tetapi setiap hari sekitar 3,000 orang pelancung mengunjungi taman negara itu. Taman Negara Jiuzhaigou boleh menerima kunjungan maksima sehingga 5,000 orang setiap hari. Majoriti pengunjung yg datang adalah dari dalam negara China sendiri. Maklumat mengenai taman negara itu boleh dibaca di SINI...

Berikut adalah foto-foto yg sempat kawan shot di sana :

Pearl Shoal Waterfall



Nuo Ri Lang Waterfall


Mirror Lake


Shuzheng Creek


Shuzheng Waterfall


Taman Negara itu dibuka dari jam 7.00 pagi hingga 6.30 petang. Kami gagal mengelilingi taman negara tersebut kerana kesuntukan masa. Insyallah bulan Oktober nanti kami akan repeat lagi.

* Sila klik foto utk paparan yg lebih besar. 

Lebih banyak foto ada di Flickr kawan nih ....

Sedikit video yg sempat kawan rakamkan di sana..


Lebih banyak video ada di My YouTube Channel

English version :

Alhamdulillah, on April 20, 2012, with four of my friends left for Chengdu, China from LCCT. Flights with Air Asia X takes approximately 4 hours and a half. Only 5 of us were the Malays in the airline.

We spent the night at Chengdu Airport, we take turns sleeping because there must be people on guard to ensure safety for our luggage and camera bags in particular. About 4 am we move with a van to the terminal for express buses to Jiuzhaigou. We performed morning prayers and wait for the terminal to be opened at 7.00 am.

Alhamdulillah, there are tickets for the Jiuzhaigou. Tickets are priced at 178 yuan, about RM 89.00. Our bus is scheduled to depart at 9.00 am. Sunrise in the morning was so beautiful. We shot the sunrise and after breakfast with our supply of bread that we brought from Malaysia. Finished breakfast we find sim card. Our main problem is LANGUAGE , not many Chinese can speak English. After asking at some stores, we failed to get a sim card. Finally, a friend asked at tourist information counters. Alhamdulillah, the officer can understand English even though she was not speaking. She took us to meet with senior officer in the Cha dianzi Bus Terminal Tourism Office . Alhamdulillah, we awarded by "China Mobile" sim card for free from the superiors. We only need to submit to him our international passport for registration purposes. He said that "China Mobile" provides a free sim card for tourists from abroad. The sim card has a value of 20 yuan and we can call family and can access the internet.

At exactly 9.00 am, we departed for express buses to Jiuzhaigou . Travel for 10 hours. It's far along the river and surrounded by the mountains, but the scenery was beautiful. 10 hours does not feel. Arriving at the city Huanglong, more beautiful scenery with snowy mountains. Feels like in Europe. Along the way we take photos and video.

More or less close at 7.00 pm we arrive at Jiuzhaigou. Already have a representative or agent of a hotel nearby was waiting for us. A lodge decorated with Tibetan architecture, comfortable and cheap. Room cost us 150 yuan (RM75.00). That evening we stroll around the small town of Jiuzhaigou while looking in case any Muslim restaurants there, unfortunately we didn't found one. There are many hotels and guest house in this small town, it felt more hotel building from the store.

That night after Isha, Badins and Hj Muhammad had found Muslim restaurant not far from our hotel.The only Muslim restaurant in town. The owners named Azman. We ate dinner there.

The next morning we went to Jiuzhaigou National Park, it was gazetted as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Entry tickets priced at 220 yuan and a bus ticket in the national park is 90 yuan, all 310 yuan (RM 155.00). Although expensive ticket, but every day approximately 3,000 people visit the park's tourists. Jiuzhaigou National Park can receive a maximum of up to 5,000 people visit each day. The majority of visitors are from China itself. Information on national parks that can be read in HERE ...


Abu Emir said...

nganga jek lah nengok.. hehehe.. subhanallah...

Ikelah said...


...... said...


Boleh tau name hotel dekat jiuzhigou n name restaurant muslim tu tak?

Tq ye..:)

Gunawan Adi Waskito said...

Hi. i will go there this october.
Is halal food restaurant close with the park?

Hang LiPo said...


I just read your blog. Appreciate if you may give me the name of the hotel that you stay.

Thank you.